Sales & Service to the PCB Industry
X-Ray Inspection - Radiation Safety

Relevant to the purchase and use of industrial x-ray inspection systems you should refer to Health & Safety publication 1999 No. 3232, The Ionising Radiations Regulations 1999.
You are required to notify the Health & Safety Executive at least 28 days before you commence working with ANY ionising radiation for the first time (or before such shorter time as the Executive may agree). Notification must also be given to the HSE if the radiation equipment is to be moved to other premises. A&D can provide forms for this purpose.

Additionally, The Health & Safety Ionising Radiation Regulations 1999, require a radiation employer to undertake a 'Prior Risk Assessment' before using any new x-ray equipment. A&D Automation will provide detailed information to customers for the purpose of Prior Risk Assessment.

The Glenbrook x-ray equipment will be maintained to restrict any radiation exposure to be less that 1 Micro Sievert per hour and as such, systems are not required to be in a 'Controlled Area' or a 'Supervised Area' as described in the Regulations.

Safety checks at Installation

Your Glenbrook real time x-ray will be assembled and installed by an A&D Radiation Protection Supervisor (RPS) together with the customer HSE representative. A critical examination of the equipment will be performed in accordance with the HSE publication (1999 No. 3232).

The RPS will explain to the customer HSE representative instructions regarding the use of x-ray equipment, these instructions are accompanied by a 9-page document, page-by-page explanation will be given.

The Ionising Radiation Regulations 1999 specify regular checks that must be undertaken to monitor possible radiation leakage from industrial x-ray inspection systems. There are a number of measures that can be taken to provide a means of cursory monitoring of possible radiation leakage.

Radiation Survey Meters

Radiation survey meters detect the presence of ionising radiation and display a value in units of mR/hr (milli Roentgens per hour) or µSv/hr (micro Sieverts/hr).

These meters employ an energy compensated Geiger-Mueller tube to measure the presence of ionising radiation and are generally calibrated to the isotope Cesium-137.

Cautionary Note on the Use of G-M Devices

These are inexpensive radiation monitoring devices and it is possible, when they are calibrated to a Cesium-137 standard (at 600keV), for the meter to read higher than the actual value at lower x-ray photon energies.

G-M type radiation survey meters are available from A&D. Please contact us for information and pricing.

Dosimeter Badges

Dosimeter badges can be placed by the equipment or worn by the individual operator to constantly record the integrated x-ray dose. At the end of the reporting period, a replacement dosimeter is received and the recording dosimeter returned to the dosimeter service company. A report is issued tabulating any x-ray dose received.

Dosimeter Badges can be obtained from:

ICN Dosimetery International
ICN Pharmaceuticals Inc.
P O Box 5

Southern Centre
Please contact us if you require further information about Radiation Safety. E-mail your enquiry to