Sales & Service to the PCB Industry
Spindle Repair Training
Reduce your spindle repair costs
Minimise the machine downtime caused by spindle repair times.
Complete Training Course for repair of PCB spindles
for PCB Manufacturers.
The training course will enable your own maintenance staff
to undertake most repairs to spindle motors.
Fully inclusive cost includes:
Complete Training Course at our premises in the UK
Set of tools for spindle repair
Set of parts for one spindle repair
(Either ball bearing or air-bearing)
Training Course will cover:
Information about the different spindle suppliers
Basic theory of drilling & routing spindles
Typical defect analysis
Stripping spindles
Cleaning & inspecting parts for damage
Refurbishing air-bearings bearings
Refurbishing rotors
Refurbishing tool-change assembly
Electrical measurements
Balancing rotors
Re-assembly of spindle
Run-out adjustment
Typical hand tools for spindle Repair will include:
Allen keys combo set, screwdriver combo set, spanner combo set, spanners adjustable,
cutters/pliers combo set, wire strippers, soldering iron, hot air gun, micrometer,
vernier, dial gauge, stand, hydraulic press, emery paper, scotch-brite, granite flat,
O-ring set, heat shrink, pressure gauge, set of punches, spindle clamp, spring balance,
collet grip tool & gauge.
Typical spare parts will include:
Stator, Rotor, thrust bearing, front bearing, rear bearing
& collet for the spindle of your choice.